Laura Bates’s book has been published. Yippee.

Someone told me the other day that Laura Bates had compiled a collection of whines in a book (paperback and Kindle editions) with the inevitable title, Everyday Sexism:

Published by a major commercial publisher, the book is the #1 bestseller in the Amazon ‘Discrimination & racism’ category, #1 in ‘Feminist criticism’ and #2 in ‘Social issues’, proving there are a lot of whiny female book buyers out there. In her Amazon profile Bates is described as a ‘freelane (sic) journalist’.

I’ve posted the following comment along with a one-star rating (Amazon don’t allow zero stars). They’ve passed the comments but pulled the links. I imagine Bates and others will whine at Amazon until the comments are removed:

Just what the world needs, a collection of whines from the inaugural winner of our political party’s ‘Whiny Woman of the Month’ award. Her certificate is downloadable through this link:

Bates is one of those whiny feminists who complain about people trying to silence her, yet she and Caroline Criado-Perez (‘Lying Woman of the Month’ and ‘Whiny Woman of the Month’) are on the radio and TV with monotonous regularity. Of course there are a few sexist men around, but expecting the world to change, and sexism to end, infantilises women. Still, with this book out and presumably selling well to other whiny women – there’s never a shortage of them – Bates officially becomes a professional whine merchant.

I see men get a mention in chapter 10. Yippee. The difference between the sexism faced by women and that faced by men is that men don’t whine about it, they suffer in silence. If you want to get a sense of the sexism faced all the time by men, visit:

Mike Buchanan

Justice for men & boys

(and the women who love them)

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